Hi all, i am jen taylor. I am neurotypical but i have concluded recently my life is far from it. ( hence my blog title) Some of you may know me from social media as jentmomof3 crafter. Yup that is me. But what some of you all may or may not know is that i am a mom of three. One of which is autistic. I decided to create this blog to share information and share a lil of my life , our daily trials and triumphs. ( ok and it is a little bit of therapy by getting my thoughts written too) . So, let's talk about " I get it" . They are my new favorite words. To the friends i have made and met with children or family/friends on the spectrum. Thank you for being a great friend and for always listening and to my dh for keeping me sane. I am glad you "get it". I look forward to talking to you again!
Jen t.
Please be patient with my simple blog template as my blog will get a facelift soon ( so it can be prettier) :)
Yay Jen!!!!!!